10 Things A New Parent Really Needs

We all know how crazy life can get once you bring a newborn baby home from the hospital – this is when reality really starts to set in! So we’ve put together a list of the 10 things a new parent really needs in those first few weeks of chaos!

  1. LOTS of Diapers

The average baby goes through at least 70 diapers each week, so you can never really have enough. Depending on how you’re feeling after the birth or how well you’re establishing a routine with your baby, you might find yourself not wanting to go out too much in the first few weeks, so it’s a great idea to stock up on things like diapers, diaper rash balm (your little ones bum will be sensitive those first few weeks!) and baby wipes so you’re never running short.

  1. Batch Cooked Meals

It’s totally true that when you’re transitioning into new life with your baby, you can find yourself snacking on anything and everything! You’ll often reach for things which are quick and often not particularly nutritious, just to make life easy. Instead, prepare some simple meals that can be easily frozen in advance, such as soups, chilli and lasagne, so all you’ll need to do is defrost and re-heat. You could also ask relatives who want to help out to bring you something like a casserole which simply needs putting into the oven and you can keep the rest for another day.

  1. Comfy Clothing

You’ll spend plenty of time sitting, feeding and comforting your newborn baby, so you may as well be comfortable! You might also be a little uncomfortable after birth, so anything which makes things a little easier for you will be a bonus. Stock up on things such as stretch (but supportive) leggings, sweatpants, cotton tops and sweatshirts. But don’t wear anything too expensive, particularly when feeding, in case your baby spits-up!

  1. Feeding Supplies

Make sure you’re well stocked up on all feeding essentials, particularly if bottle-feeding. Formula, bottles, bottle nipples, and even some small brushes to get in between those hard to reach bottle or nipple nooks and crannies when cleaning! If you are breast-feeding/combination feeding you may want to consider nipple butter to soothe your cracked nipples while baby is learning to latch, extra breast pump parts (particularly flanges!), and breast pads to catch any leaks! You really don’t want to be running out of formula at 2am and having to send your partner to pick up supplies from the store! If feeding your baby with Kendamil, we suggest stocking up at your local Target or Walmart.

  1. Baby Monitor

Whilst your baby might be sharing your room for the first six months of life, a baby monitor will always come in handy for those times when you’re in the shower or the kitchen cooking. It’s equally handy when you have (finally!) put little one down for a daytime nap and you want to get on with some chores or enjoy some well-earned relaxation. Baby monitors with movement sensors are great as they offer that little bit of extra reassurance.

  1. LOADS of  onesies 

Yes, those cute little outfits that everyone bought you are adorable, but you’ll find you can never have enough onesies for a newborn baby. They’re super practical, easy to put on and take off and are easy to access for diaper changes.

  1. Noise machine

One of the strangest things you could buy for your baby is a noise machine, but it can be a life saver in those early days. It works by recreating the sounds the baby is familiar with in the womb, therefore comforts them and helps them sleep. . Just remember baby’s ears are sensitive so do follow the manufacturer's instructions to make sure it isn’t too loud or too close to your baby.

  1. Changing Pad/ Mat

You’ll be changing your baby soooo many times each day, and you really want something convenient and easy to clean that you can grab quickly. A changing pad or even a mat can be used on any surface and some pads can even be packed in the diaper bag for travel.

  1. Hand Sanitizer

You’ll find there will be plenty of times when you can’t just run to the toilet to wash your hands, particularly when feeding. Invest in a few bottles of hand sanitizer and place them in the rooms you’ll be spending the most time in around the house.

  1. Self-care 

When you have a newborn baby it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself. You’ve just been through childbirth, an amazing but also draining task for any woman. You deserve a little time to yourself, so invest in some luxury items; whether that be a fancy bubble bath, face mask or a new book. Ask someone to watch the baby for an hour and lock yourself away in the bathroom, run a warm bath, jump in and relax, you deserve it!

We hope you found this blog detailing 10 things a new parent really needs helpful! If you’d like to find out more about the Kendamil product range, please click here.

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